Thursday, October 31, 2019

Manufacturing Planning and Scheduling Techniques Assignment

Manufacturing Planning and Scheduling Techniques - Assignment Example Authentic BMW Light alloy wheels are the consequence of a complicated innovation and style practice – concentrated around the private BMW versions along with the numerous problems. The outcome is a sizable collection of light alloy wheels that satisfy the finest quality criteria and are flawlessly incorporated into the all-around depiction of the BMW they were meant for. Â  Forging is a basic process included in the production process of light alloy wheels. A paired thermo-mechanical form of the analysis of plastic-type deformation and ambiance substitute is personalized in the binding component configuration. With the intention to take into consideration the strain-rate impact on element traits in conjunction with the flow and pressure dependence on high temperature, the inflexible visco-plasticity is commonly employed in the display. An assortment of process scenarios was applied to the display such as punch pace, side perimeter, along with the deepness of the die cavity. Evaluation of a more straightforward and compact style is conducted and matched against the appearance in regards to forging load to verify the genuineness of the structure customized. Following that, various methods with the full-scale item for a 6061 aluminum-alloy wheel are simulated. Material flow, pressure distributions exerted on the die fortification, heat distributions a nd then forging weight are summarized similarly to basic data for process structure and selection of an appropriate press equipment. Â  With this particular method of High-Pressure Die Casting, the alloy in the liquid form is injected at extremely swift speed and significant stress into a steel cast. This equipment consists of two upright platens upon which enhancers are placed which cause the die to be maintained as halves. One platen is installed, whereas, the other may move very well, guaranteeing that the die is going to be exposed and closed.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Impact of Dizzy Gillespie or Bill Evans (select one) Essay

Impact of Dizzy Gillespie or Bill Evans (select one) - Essay Example Worth noting is the fact that Bill Evans is a great brilliant pianist, who worked to the best of his capabilities in the United States of America to lift the jazz industry into greater heights by taking the opportunity of his talent into consideration in improving the piano trio and its democratization (Cankaya, 35). This paper analyses the various musical techniques of Bill Evans in the development of modern jazz music. Many jazz musicians have adopted his techniques, a factor that makes Bill Evans highly influential in the development of the modern jazz style, as will be highlighted in this paper. Bill Evans was born in 1929, and started building his talent right from his mother’s church in Russia at an age of 6 years. His motive to grow in the industry grew, and he developed a school labelled Bill Evans style where he became influential in the industry and encouraged, gave hope and helped colleagues pursue their talents. For instance, he inspired and mentored Petrucciani and Andy Laverine. Research indicates that Bill Evans indulged in heroin abuse; a habit that he opined would boost his energy. Bill Evans faced the compulsion of selecting a favourable career. Since he had an outstanding talent in playing the piano, and opted to pursue it. He ventured into the music industry and due to his reformed chord; he exhibited remarkable growth in the industry. A critical review of history indentifies Bill Evans as a pianist of jazz music (Schachter, et al 42). However, heroin taking was not a merit because it accrued his death in 1980, and led to the breakage of his two-marriages. Bill Evans received five grammy awards as a recognition for his exemplary work of art. Some examples of the most appreciated Bill’s songs include, ‘Beautiful Love,’ produced in 1961 and ‘Are you all things’ created in the year 1975. Bill Evans had a reformed chord that was specifically a gift in him, but he always exerted efforts to ensure that all his songs

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Unilever Multinational Company Analysis and Breakdown

Unilever Multinational Company Analysis and Breakdown Unilever is a multinational consumer product manufacturing giant operating in over hundred countries all around the globe. Unilever Bangladesh is the Bangladesh chapter of Unilever, where the company holds 60.75% share whereas the Government of Peoples Republic of Bangladesh holds 39.25% share. Unilevers one of the most popular brand is LUX. They segments LUX.s market according to geographical locations. It further differentiates these segments into Socio Economic Cluster (SEC) which takes into account the criteria of education and profession which ultimately measures the financial ability of consumers. The cluster is divided into five parts starting from A to E. Unilever targets the urban and sub urban upper middle class and middle class segment of the population, who falls under A to C of SEC. Tactical marketing tools, 4Ps, are extensively used by the company to market LUX. Though LUX is produced in Bangladesh, Unilever Bangladesh maintains the same standard all around the globe. The product is available in six different fragrances under three different sizes. Since the demand for beauty soap market is to a great extent oligopolistic, variations in price lead to price war which can eventually break down the companys market share. Thus Unilever cannot provide a better price than its competitors. But the price is affordable by most of the people. Unilever Bangladesh has outsourced its distribution channels to third party distributors which allow them to distribute LUX in massive bulks amounting to around ten million pieces. It undertakes the largest promotional activities in the beauty soap industry. The beauty soap industry has a few major producers of which Unilever holds market share of slightly less than 50%. Other competing brands like Tibbet, Aromatic and Keya have started to have a strong consumer base, but LUX.s product features distribution and promotional activities have created high brand loyalty for which it is still the market leader. Unilever, with the aid of its heavy promotional activities, has been able to penetrate the market. But the other producers in the industry are posing a threat towards Unilevers market share as they have moved towards the rural masses of the population. Therefore, Unilever Bangladesh should undertake further steps such as moving towards the rural and/or poorer segment; attract children (by making a special product for kids) and other innovative promotional activities to retain its command in the industry. 1. Introduction Unilever is one of the worlds largest and leading multinational companies; Unilever commenced their business activities on a larger scale by setting up their first factory in Netherlands, in the year of 1872. Operating in Bangladesh for over the last four decades the company is trying to significantly contribute towards the augmentation of the standard of living by bringing world class high quality products at the door step of their customers. The usage of Unilever products by over 90% of the people in Bangladesh stands a testimony to their successful operation. . Their array of products show that they produce household care, fabric cleaning, skin cleansing, skin care, oral care, hair care, personal grooming, and tea based beverage products under worldwide famous brand names Wheel, LUX, Lifebuoy, Fair Lovely, Ponds, Close Up, Sunsilk, Lipton, Lipton Taaza, Pepsodent, All Clear, Vim, Surf Excel, and Rexona. 2. Objective of this report: This report is an outcome of an analysis of marketing strategies used by Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. The main purpose of the report is to find what strategies the company uses to market its world famous beauty soap, LUX, in Bangladesh; the positive and negative aspects of those strategies. The report further analyzes the position of Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. in the toiletry industry in comparison to its competitors. The report discusses the process of using market segmentation, target marketing, the product, pricing, promotional and distribution strategies and a competitive analysis. 2.1 Methodology of this report: For accessibility and availability of information we have chosen to work on the strategies of Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. As the company operates in the market with a huge number of products in different industries, we have decided to focus on one of their world wide successful brands, LUX. Most of the information used in this report is from primary sources. The main source of information was the focus group discussion. In addition information was also collected from websites. 3. Product Category, Market Segmentation, Target Marketing and Positioning This chapter describes the category of the selected product. The chapter is organized into four sections. Section 1 states under which category the product falls. Section 2 describes how Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. differentiates the population and categorizes them into different segments. Section 3 analyzes which segment the company targets and why they target that specific segment. Finally section 4 describes the process through which the company tries to capture a place in the buyers mind i.e. the product positioning method. 3.1 Product Category: LUX falls under the category of toiletry product as a beauty soap. 3.2 Market Segmentation: The company claims that LUX is the highest selling beauty soap in Bangladesh. Moreover some survey reports also reveal the same result. Though LUX is the highest selling beauty soap in Bangladesh, it does not go for traditional mass marketing. Moreover as a beauty soap LUX does not even segment its market according to gender. Figure 2.1 (P-9) shows that Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. segments their market according to geographical areas. The population of the country is segmented into three parts which are urban, sub urban and rural area consumers. The company further differentiate the geographical segments according to Socio Economic Cluster (SEC) i.e. education and Income. The Table 2.1 (P-9) overleaf shows the Socio Economic Clusters the company uses. The SEC divides the population in five segments starting from A to E, where A categorizes the highly educated and high income earners holders, and sequentially in descending order E categorizes the opposite. 3.3Target Market: Figure 2.1 (P-9) shows that urban and sub urban middle class, and rural poor people are the largest part of Bangladesh population. A research carried out by Unilever Bangladesh reveals that urban rich people are more likely to buy imported and expensive products. Moreover rural poor people tend to buy cheap products even without evaluating its quality. However urban and sub urban upper middle and middle class people tend to buy affordable and quality products. LUX is not a highly expensive but an affordable product. That is why the company targets urban and sub urban upper middle and middle class people who are the second highest population of segment of the country. From the segmentation of customer according to SEC they target category A, B and C, because they are assumed to be financially well-off and can afford to buy LUX. 3.4 Product Positioning: Unilever Bangladesh Ltd obtained a good position in the buyers mind through better product attributes, price and quality, offering the product in a different way than the competitors do. The company offers improved quality of products in the industry at an affordable price with high branding, which ultimately helps to position the product in the buyers mind as the best quality beauty soap. The market share of the company in the beauty soap industry is somewhere around 43%.Since in the beauty soap industry all products are of same price Unilever cannot provide its consumers with better price but it is in a great position in reference with its packaging, fragrances and product designing. A positioning map of the company is shown Figure 2.2 (P-10) to describe LUXs position in the consumers mind on two dimensions, price and quality. Figure 2.2 (P-10) has been drawn with information gathered by conducting a consumer survey. It states that though in comparison to its competitors the pricing of LUX is same but consumers rate it as the product which gives them the highest quality. This positioning created a strong customer loyalty for LUX, for which it the market leader in the industry. 4. Using the Tactical Marketing Tools This chapter describes the way Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. use the tactical marketing tools for marketing LUX in Bangladesh. The chapter comprises of four sections. Section 3.1 discusses the product attributes of LUX. Section 3.2 visualizes the price of LUX according to different size. Section 3.3 conceptualizes the distribution channel of Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. This section includes a table that shows the location of the companys warehouses all around the country. Finally section 3.4 discusses the promotional activities that the company undertakes for LUX. 4.1 Product: LUX is an internationally renowned beauty soap brand of Unilever. Though manufactured in Bangladesh for the local market by Unilever Bangladesh Ltd, as an international brand, it maintains an international quality for the product. Formula given by Research and Development departments in foreign countries, LUX is produced in Bangladesh from imported raw materials like sodium soap, glycerol and different extracts according to flavors, coming from Unilever plants situated abroad. LUX is offered in Bangladesh in six different flavors which are: LUX Energizing Honey, LUX Golden Glow, LUX Nature Pure, LUX Orchid Touch, LUX Almond Delight and LUX Aqua Sparkle. Taking into account the convenience of its customers, the company manufactures all flavors of LUX in three different sizes, 40gm, 80gm and 120gm. 4.2 Price: Though Unilever Bangladesh gives its LUX customers a lot in terms of the product itself, it cannot provide a better pricing. This is due to some constraints in the beauty soap industry. Beauty soap is a product with a vulnerable demand in Bangladesh. A change in price has a high risk of creating price war among the rivals which will eventually cause a loss of profit. Its prices are almost equal to its competitor. Table 3.1 (p-10) compares Luxs price with its major competitor. Company carries out research on competitors price and brand loyalty when it feels extreme necessaity of chaging price. The brand loyalty test is an exploratory research which is known as Brand Health Check-Up (BHCU). 4.3 Place: Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. has a huge distribution channel for LUX all over the country as its sales reach more than 10 million pieces a year. The company has six huge warehouses, one in each division of Bangladesh, where the product goes after they are manufactured at Kalurghat factory. Table 3.2 (P-10) shows the location of its six warehouses in Bangladesh. The company does not use its own fleet of transport for distributing its product. However, it has outsourced its distribution process to various third party distributors, exclusively dedicated to Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. These distributors then supply the product all over Bangladesh to a huge number of retailers. Even though LUX targets the urban and sub urban middle and upper middle class people they are distributing their products all over Bangladesh because of a recent increase in demand of its product to all segments of the population. 4.4 Promotion: Unilever Bangladesh undertakes huge promotional activities to promote LUX which has topped the beauty soap industry of Bangladesh. It spends almost 20% to 25% of its Net Proceeds from Sales (NPC) of LUX for promotional activities for LUX 1 Its certain annual promotional campaigns like LUX Channel i Superstar and LUX Channel i Annual Cinema Awards has made the product a part of the glamour world. Since the 1930s, over 400 of the worlds most stunning and sensuous women have been proudly associated with Lux advertisements. They do not only promote LUX in Bangladesh for the beauty conscious females, it also promotes the brand for males and the company proved that, by including world famous male celebrity Shahrukh Khan for their advertising campaign. Unilever Bangladesh Ltd spends a huge amount of money for promoting LUX through TV commercials, newspaper advertisements and billboards. Moreover it also undertakes small promotional campaigns at different schools, colleges, universities and recreational parks with winners of its Zonal Beauty Contests. Till now promotional activities of LUX has always been successful which has made it a household common name and helped it reach almost one billion taka sale value in the year 2004 2. 5. Analyzing the Market for LUX For better comprehension of Unilever Bangladesh, its marketing strategy, product quality, positioning and placement, we present here a comparative analysis of its competitors. This part of the report illustrates the market share of different companies in the beauty soap industry. 5.1 Market Share: The beauty soap industry in Bangladesh consists of only seven major producers. Unilever Bangladesh Ltd is operating in the industry with its world famous brand LUX. Out of these giant companies Unilever Bangladesh Ltd is the market leader with a share of around 43%. Figure 4.1 (P-11) shows the market share of all the companies in the sector. Unilever Bangladesh Ltd is leading the market. The other competitors are very competitive among themselves but they cannot put a intense competition with Unilever Bangladesh Ltd, as they have market share much less than Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. Table 4.1 (P-11) overleaf shows a detailed description of the major competitors in the market, their operating brand, estimated annual sales revenue and market share. Other companies in the industry are not as big as Unilever Bangladesh Ltd but they are posing threat to the company by a tendency of a gradual increase in their market share. Kohinoor Chemicals which is operating with the brand name Tibet is an extremely famous brand to the rural segment of the population and possess a significant share in that segment which is the largest population group in Bangladesh. Moreover Keya Cosmetics Ltd operating with the brand name Keya and Marks Allys Ltd operating with the brand name Aromatic are also uprising brands to both the rural and sub urban segment of the population. Moreover a recent takeover of Aromatic by multinational consumer product giant MARICO who operates with famous brands in other industries like Parachute Coconut Oil is posing to be a threat to Unilever Bangladeshs market share. 6. Conclusion Recommendation The beauty soap industry of Bangladesh consists of a few producers in the industry. The demand for this product is very much vulnerable in terms of pricing. Unilever Bangladesh is providing LUX. at a price which is affordable to most of the people in the country. Beauty soap is an uprising product in Bangladesh as a greater portion of the population, both male and female, are now getting more beauty conscious. As a multinational company Unilever Bangladesh with heavy promotional activities, has been able to penetrate the market. With six different fragrances, three different sizes, international standard and high quality design, as a product, LUX has been highly successful over the years. Its distribution process is highly efficient. Its promotional activities, like the beauty contest has been a milestone in attracting a huge number of customers. Overall with its marketing activities LUX has been a successful brand. The only place where rival companies are progressing is in giving customers redemption offers. Research revealed that Bangladeshi customers are highly attracted to this sort of offers. These offers are not sustainable in the long run but still it takes away a considerable part of LUXs sale in the short run. In this chapter the team would suggest some recommendations to Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. to adopt more successful operation in Bangladesh. Since a huge portion of the rural poor people is demanding LUX in recent days, Unilever Bangladesh Ltd should expand their target market also towards the rural people. They should also conduct different promotional activities in rural fairs and socially responsible promotional activities to attract rural consumers and social awareness .Because Lux has different skin type soap so now if they provide different types of beauty soaps for male and female soapunder the same brand name i.e. LUX it might increase their sales. Lastly, as Bangladeshi culture children have a huge say in shopping so they should also promote the product to children like their another brand Dove. These are the recommendations suggested by teem members to Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. to adopt for a more successful operation in Bangladesh with large market share. 7. Appendices Urban Rich Urban and Sub Urban Upper Middle and Middle Class Rural Poor (Figur2.1): Market Segments 1. Socio Economic Clusters A B C D E Income High Income Upper Middle Level Income Mid Level Income Lower Middle Income Low Income Education High Level of Education Educated Slightly Less than Cluster A Educated Slightly Less than Cluster B Educated Slightly Less than Cluster C Very Low Level of Literacy (Table 2.1): Socio Economic Cluster Segmentation 1 (Figure 2.2): Positioning Map Brand Lux Aromatic keya Tibet (Table 3.1): Comparative scenario of soaps price Division Location of Warehouse Dhaka Dhaka City Chittagong Kalurghat Heavy I/A Sylhet Sylhet City Rajshahi Rajshahi City Khulna Khulna City Barisal Barisal City (Table 3.2): Location of Unilever Bangladesh Ltds Divisional Warehouses 1. (Figure 4.1): Market Share Sl. No. Company Brand Name Yearly Market Share on Toilet Soap 1 Unilever (BD). Ltd Lux International Beauty Soap Tk. 312 Core 43.33% 2 Square (Toiletries Division) Meril Beauty Soap 48 Core 6.66 3 Keya Cosmetics Ltd. Keya Beauty Soap 72 Core 10.00% 4 Aromatic Cosmetics Ltd. Aromatic Beauty Soap 48 Core 6.66% 5 Lily Cosmetics Ltd. Lily Beauty Soap 72 Core 10.00% 6 Kohinoor Chemical Co. Tibet Beauty Soap 72 Core 10.00% 7 Marks Allys Ltd. Camelia Beauty Soap 60 Core 8.35% 8 Others 36 Core 5.00% Total Market 720 Core 100% (Table 4.1): Estimated Annual Sales Revenue and Market Share .

Friday, October 25, 2019

Essay on Picture of Dorian Gray: Dorian as Tragic Hero -- The Picture

The Picture of Dorian Gray:   Dorian as Tragic Hero      Ã‚   In "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde, we see a beautiful young man who makes tremendous efforts to transform the actual world into the idealistic world of art, dreams and sensations.   Dorian's quest, however, culminates in his ultimate tragic destruction. Given that Dorian lives a corrupt life, one is likely to focus on the negative aspects of his character.   In spite of his significant character flaws, Dorian Gray may still be considered a hero.   This essay will examine Dorian's degradation from the innocent world to the vicious, sensation-oriented world.   The elements contributing to Dorian’s status of tragic hero will then be discussed.    At the beginning, the general mood looks like pure and innocent expressed by the descriptions as follows: "the rich odours of roses...the light summer wind...the heavy scent of lilac"(Wilde 5).   This opening scene precisely symbolizes the world in which Dorian is situated at present.   Just like the beautiful setting, Dorian is a "beautiful creature"(7) and the portrait Basil draws shows Dorian's "extraordinary personal beauty"(5).   In other words, Dorian is in front of the mysterious gate of life that has immense possibilities.   At this point, Dorian is ignorant about both the world of idealistic art and the world of mundane, earthly values.   Dorian merely possesses "all youth's passionate purity"(17).    With the fateful encounter with Lord Henry, Dorian is ushered into a world of idealistic art and beauty.   Lord Henry plays a key role in introducing a new world in which beauty, youth and sensations dominate.   First, Lord Henry employs a powerful strategy of developing Dorian's self-consciousness of his ow... ...t in order to â€Å"kill the past† and â€Å"monstrous soul-life†(192).    Works Cited Bloom, Harold. Oscar Wilde. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1985. Cohen, Ed.   Talk on the Wilde Side.   Great Britain: Routledge, 1993. Ellman, Richard. Oscar Wilde. New york: Alfred A. Knopf Inc., 1987. Eriksen, Donald. Oscar Wilde. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1977. Freidman, Jonathan (edited).   Oscar Wilde: A Collection of Critical Essays.   New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1996. Hart-Davis, Rupert. The Letters of Oscar Wilde. New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1962. Juan, Efifanio. The Art of Oscar Wilde. New Jersey: Princetown University Press, 1991. Weintraub, Stanley (edited).   Literary Criticism of Oscar Wilde.   Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press, 1968. Wilde, Oscar. The Picture of Dorian Gray. New York: Random House, Inc., 1992.    Essay on Picture of Dorian Gray: Dorian as Tragic Hero -- The Picture The Picture of Dorian Gray:   Dorian as Tragic Hero      Ã‚   In "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde, we see a beautiful young man who makes tremendous efforts to transform the actual world into the idealistic world of art, dreams and sensations.   Dorian's quest, however, culminates in his ultimate tragic destruction. Given that Dorian lives a corrupt life, one is likely to focus on the negative aspects of his character.   In spite of his significant character flaws, Dorian Gray may still be considered a hero.   This essay will examine Dorian's degradation from the innocent world to the vicious, sensation-oriented world.   The elements contributing to Dorian’s status of tragic hero will then be discussed.    At the beginning, the general mood looks like pure and innocent expressed by the descriptions as follows: "the rich odours of roses...the light summer wind...the heavy scent of lilac"(Wilde 5).   This opening scene precisely symbolizes the world in which Dorian is situated at present.   Just like the beautiful setting, Dorian is a "beautiful creature"(7) and the portrait Basil draws shows Dorian's "extraordinary personal beauty"(5).   In other words, Dorian is in front of the mysterious gate of life that has immense possibilities.   At this point, Dorian is ignorant about both the world of idealistic art and the world of mundane, earthly values.   Dorian merely possesses "all youth's passionate purity"(17).    With the fateful encounter with Lord Henry, Dorian is ushered into a world of idealistic art and beauty.   Lord Henry plays a key role in introducing a new world in which beauty, youth and sensations dominate.   First, Lord Henry employs a powerful strategy of developing Dorian's self-consciousness of his ow... ...t in order to â€Å"kill the past† and â€Å"monstrous soul-life†(192).    Works Cited Bloom, Harold. Oscar Wilde. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1985. Cohen, Ed.   Talk on the Wilde Side.   Great Britain: Routledge, 1993. Ellman, Richard. Oscar Wilde. New york: Alfred A. Knopf Inc., 1987. Eriksen, Donald. Oscar Wilde. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1977. Freidman, Jonathan (edited).   Oscar Wilde: A Collection of Critical Essays.   New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1996. Hart-Davis, Rupert. The Letters of Oscar Wilde. New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1962. Juan, Efifanio. The Art of Oscar Wilde. New Jersey: Princetown University Press, 1991. Weintraub, Stanley (edited).   Literary Criticism of Oscar Wilde.   Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press, 1968. Wilde, Oscar. The Picture of Dorian Gray. New York: Random House, Inc., 1992.   

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Bad Boss Good Boss Essay

â€Å"Servants don’t know a good master until they have served a worse,† (Aesop). By the tender age of eighteen, most people have had a job. Whatever that job was, the kind of master –boss encountered most likely made a big difference in how work performance is perceived and what constitutes a good or a bad boss. The collaborative relationship or lack there of, between an employee and employer is a contributing factor when measuring whether or not one has been successful. In these encounters one invariably learns the difference between a good or a bad boss. When comparing leadership capability of bosses, it is important to consider communication, collaboration, and people skills to determine their ability to succeed. Good bosses communicate with their employees effectively, while bad bosses are poor communicators. All bosses differ in their communication style. Some bosses like e-mail while others like face-to-face contact. Employees need communication from their bosses to make good decisions and to make sure a job is being done to specification. For example, a project is due in a week’s time; there are three different ways to complete this project, but there is only one way from management’s point of view. A good boss will take the time to explain clearly how he or she wants this job to be done; he or she will show the employee the correct way to do the job so the employee does not second guess himself. How a boss communicates with the employee has a major impact on their performance. Good bosses inspire and motivate the people they lead, encourage them to give feedback, and avoid launching into arguments or becoming angry when they think an employee is wrong. A bad boss on the other hand is withdrawn; he or she does not seem to care if their employees perform to their highest standard, and give neither time nor priority to listening as long as they get the job done. For example, an employee is doing a job that he or she could do much more effectively with a little  guidance; instead of the boss communicating with the employee, he allows the employee to complete the job and does not show the employee anything. Bad bosses do not feel it necessary to tell the employees anything about the bottom line or how the company is doing, he or she does not care about the well being of the employee or how they are performing in their jobs. They just do not communicate, and rarely show any emotion-good or bad. A good boss collaborates with employees, bad bosses are selfish. During one’s working career, one will have many bosses with varying leadership styles and interpersonal skills. Despite the disparity of personalities, the collaborative relationship the boss has with the employees is significant and the effects long lasting. Working well with the employees requires a concerted effort to obtain the knowledge and skills forming the foundation of a mutually beneficial relationship. A good boss knows that improving collaboration with the employees is essential to the advancement and completion of doing a good job. He or she will work with employees to achieve goals and complete projects. If working on an assembly line, a good boss will take the place of an absent employee and do the exact job that employee was doing. Conversely, a bad boss does not know the meaning of team. He will show a lack of interest in the well–being of the people he leads, and he will be prone to be demeaning and disrespectful. He or she will take the credit for a job done well without any acknowledgement to the employees that actually completed the work. When things do not go as planned, bad bosses will place the blame on anyone but themselves, they tend to find it easy to blame wasteful work systems, processes, and staff members for their inability to meet company wide goals and performance standards. Good bosses exhibit good people skills; however, with bad bosses it’s all about them. A good boss will go out of his way to accommodate an employee. Even when reprimanding an employee they will always give them a chance to explain and tell their side of the story. A good boss will tell an employee not to take it personally and take the time to explain that everyone has a bad day. As opposed to a bad boss who does not care about what the employee is feeling, he or she just wants the job done-no questions asked. Bad bosses tend to flaunt their rank and make sure the employees have no doubt about who the boss is. He or she will never get in the trenches with the employees as this is beneath him. When employees do a good job and  are recognized by others, the bad boss wants all of the glory. On the other hand, if he or she is being recognized they do not share the spotlight with the employees. Bad bosses have a false sense of security, they feel that what they are doing is fine as long as upper management does not hold them responsible or accountable for actions or positive change, and things remain in a constant state of confusion for the employees. In the business world, good bosses are an asset to any company. They appreciate what their employees do and do not mind getting in the trenches with them. The turnover rate in the workplace would be much lower if all companies had bosses that were competent, compassionate and fair. Although there may be as many good bosses as there are bad, it is likely that most bosses are a bit of both, ‘swinging both ways’ so to speak. To have a boss that makes employees realize that they have more ability than they thought they had so they do better work than they thought they could, versus a boss that negatively impacts the work environment by fostering high levels of employee frustration, stress, resentment, and unnecessary labor turnover makes all the difference between a successful and unsuccessful company. When given a choice, most people if not all would choose a good boss over a bad boss every time. During the working career, one will have many bosses with varying leadership skills and interpersonal styles. Despite the difference in personalities, the collaborative relationship you have with your boss can be significant and the effects long-lasting. Whether the boss is good or bad, some boss-employee relationships can withstand the test of time. Forming a harmonious and productive relationship with the boss can be good but is not always possible. Every boss brings with them different personalities, backgrounds and challenges. The bottom line is in all successful companies the leaders possess a certain degree of collaboration, communication and good people skills. At the end of the day in a successful company the bottom line is really what matters. References Day, J. A. (n. d.). Good boss, bad boss? Ezine articles, 1-3. Retrieved from,-Bad-Boss?&id=7250782 Jamison, T. G. (2012, 3/27). 7 Signs of a bad boss. BioSpace. Retrieved from Post, P. (2013, 11/17). What does a good boss do to be a good boss. The Boston Globe, pp. 2. Retrieved from Scott, D. E. (2007, 2/1). personal & Financial Health. Collaboration with your boss: strategic skills for professional nurses., 1-3. Retrieved from

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Early Christian Writings Essay

In the beginning of IV century Arius announced that the Father is the only one veritable God, and the Son is His creation. Son was created from nothing, but He has an advantage over the other people, because He was created before time and centuries. Arius teaching is one of the forms of subordination, – a teaching about subordination of the Son to the Father, and the Saint Spirit to the Son. Arius has the following positions: 1. Logos had the beginning of his being ( , erat, quando non erat), because in other case there wouldn’t be any monarchy. In such case could be possible a diarchy (two principles), because He wouldn’t be the Son, – the Son is not the Father. 2. Logos started his existence not from the essence of Father – this could lead to division or partition of Divine Creature, or to sensual concepts, which could bring down the God to human world, – but He was created from nothing by his Father’s will ; 3. He has existence before-time and before-world, but it is not eternal existence; so He is not the veritable God, but he is different from God-Father by his essence, he is a creature ( , ) and Testament uses such expressions about Him; 4. Although the Son is a creature by essence, he has advantage over other people, because he have supreme qualities after the God. The God created everything through Him. First of all God created Him, as the beginning of all paths; 5. In case they call the Son equal to the God you should understand that He is equal by His Father’s will. 6. His will, as it was created, primarily was changeable – equally inclined both for good and to evil. Alexander tried to convince Arius that he was wrong by admonitions, although without success. After fruitless attempts Alexander invited bishops from Egypt and Lebanon and by will of Council expels Arius from Alexandria as well as his followers. There was found ‘The Synodal Letter of the Council of Antioch’, which condemns principles of Arius, but not strictly. Almost all bishops signed this letter (except of three bishops). Alexander tries also to warn other bishops about danger of heresy and, finally, writes a letter to Emperor Constantine the Great. The emperor regrets about quarrels in the Church and asks to make peace. It was impossible, and a little bit later the Church calls Nicaea Council, where after long debates the Church wrote ‘Symbol of belief’ and adopted it. Arius didn’t agree (his followers also protested to symbol of belief and pretending that they agree, changed a letter in word ‘omousius’ (‘similar’, ‘like’ instead of mono-, uni-) and signed the document. The Church discovered falsification, condemned teaching of Arius and expelled him. .

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Praying Mantiss essays

Praying Mantiss essays Most commonly known as the Praying Mantis, order mantodea is a group of about 1800 carnivorous insects which prodominatley live in tropical regions of the earth. Though certain species can be found in locations with moderate climate. With an extremely striking appearence, mantids almost have human like qualities with the ability to hold an erect stance, and arms that face forward. A very efficient killer, mantids were created for hunting and killing prey. Order Mantodea is in the subclass Pterygota. As with all classifications there can be debates on where certain orders or species belong. Historically there has been some confusion on whether Mantodea deserves there own order. Some experts have placed Mantodea in the dictyoptera order along with cock roaches (Ramel 1996, Jaques 1981, Phoenix Zoo). Others say mantids belong in Orthoptera, which consists of grasshoppers. Experts say this is due to their large pro notum (Stokes 1983, Borror and White 1970). The emerging consensus around the position of Mantodea believes Mantodea constitute their own independent Mantids can be characterized by their triangular head, and filiform antennae. This head has the ability to turn 180 degrees. With their prominate pair of compound eyes located on the sides of the head, the mantis can almost see 360 degrees around. However the sharpest vision is located in the compound eyes center, for the mantis to optimaly see objects it must turn its head so that the eye is facing the object. These eyes are extremely sensitive to light, changing from light green or tan in bright light, to dark brown in the dark. The prothorax of the mantis is another aid in giving them their distintive appearence. This prothorax has the ability to bend and twist which aids in the mantids ability to see close The two long raptorial front legs are adapted to seize and hold prey...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Unexpected Origins of Common English Idioms

Unexpected Origins of Common English Idioms Unexpected Origins of Common English Idioms Idiom is a fixed expression with a figurative meaning. Idioms serve to make language bright and emotional. Very often its better to use an idiom in common speech to illustrate a particular situation, rather than describe it through specific details. The English language is full of weird idioms. Lets look back through history to find the origin of a few of them. To Blackmail’ means to demand money from somebody by means of immoral measures like violence, threats, or the potential to disclose private information. The idiom originated in Scotland around 1600. Scottish farmers paid the rent in silver coins. They were known as white money and spelled like mail or male. Additional payment, which clan chiefs extorted from the farmers using violence and threat was known as blackmail. Later, this word was adopted when around 1900 criminals started to send letters demanding money in order not to reveal personal secrets (Dalton, 2014). The expression: In a nutshell is used to say that some idea is explained in a very precise way with just a few words. The history tells that a long time ago many significant documents were transported inside a shell of a walnut. According to another version, the important documents would often be shortened; thus only vital points were included into handwritten copies (Delton, 2014). In such a way their size also could fit in a nutshell. The meaning of the idiom: Let the Cat Out of the Bag is commonly referred to as a phrase that means an information leak. This expression was coined in medieval times to speak about dishonest market sellers, who cheated naive buyers. Unfair merchants would place a cat in the buyer’s sack instead of a piglet (Delton, 2014). The substitution was discovered only when the sack was taken home and a cat jumped out of it! The expression: Mad as a Hatter is usually used to describe somebody whose actions are absolutely unpredictable. The idiom is well-known from a novel written by Lewis Carroll. But few people realize that it was used even before that. In the Middle Age, felt hats were made with the help of extremely toxic stuff. It was called marcurous nitrate and it often led to trembling in masters body, as if he was mad. Besides that, theres one more fact connected with this phrase. Robert Crab, who lived in the 17th century and gave all his money to poor people, wore a rather bizarre hat and was often called the mad hatter (Delton, 2014). The idiom: Red Herring is used to describe misleading information. However the explanation for the origin of this idiom is closely connected with hunting. Herring was widely caught in Britain during the 18th century. To keep it eatable for some period of time people would salt it and smoke, thus as a result, fish changed its color from gray into a dark brown, and acquired spicy smell. People used the smoked fish during the hunting season; they dragged it along the hunting paths and away from fox holes, so that the dogs could feel the smell of herring instead of fox (Delton, 2014). Using idioms in your everyday communication can show high level of your general knowledge and showcase your sufficient immersion in the cultural background. Just make sure you know the exact meaning of the idioms you use! Dalton. 36 Unexpected Origins Of Everyday British Phrases. 17 Apr. 2014.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Definition and Examples of Cue Phrases in English

Definition and Examples of Cue Phrases in English A connective expression (such as now, meanwhile, anyway, or on the other hand) that links spans of discourse and signals semantic relations in a text. Examples and Observations Within a discourse segment, the discourse coherence relations among the situations are often implicit and involve such notions as cause, consequence, claim, reason, argument, elaboration, enumeration, before, and after. . . . On the other hand, many transitions within a discourse structure, especially changes and transitions from one segment to another, are often made overt through the use of clue word or cue phrase expressions that provide information at the discourse level. These expressions include incidentally, for example, anyway, by the way, furthermore, first, second, then, now, thus, moreover, therefore, hence, lastly, finally, in summary, and on the other hand.(James E. Hoard, Linguistics and Natural Language Processing. Using Computers in Linguistics: A Practical Guide, ed. by John Lawler and Helen Aristar Dry. Routledge, 1998)Once upon a time, there was this boy, and he knew this beautiful woman. Its not you, though. Well, the beautiful woman tells this boy that she has th is secret wish, and her wish is that she wants this guy to really like her. So, anyway, the boy makes this huge, personal sacrifice and he gives his wish away.(Paul Reubens as Pee-Wee Herman, The Pee-Wee Herman Show, 1981) Yeah, well, House is straightforward, brilliant and an ass. . . . Whereas you, on the other hand, have a perfect score. You are responsible, nice, human. And yet, youre Houses best friend.(Mira Sorvino as Dr. Kate Milton in Frozen. House M.D., 2008)My mom adopted [Titembay] from Sally Struthers, like, years ago. You know, one of those for the cost of a cup of coffee a day sort of things. Where shes like, How can you just sit there and not help the children? And we couldnt. We couldnt just sit there and not help the children. So we started sending him pictures and letters and stuff for years, but then I got really into ice skating so we sort of forgot about him. Then one day we get this phone call and its Titembay and hes at the dry cleaners around the corner.(Natalie Portman as Sam in Garden State, 2004)[I]n natural language the connections between enunciations . . . can be signaled by morphemes, that is, cue phrases. Cue phrases express abstract concepts in themselves, that is, they express the concept corresponding to the specific relation that they signify. For instance, the cue phrase because between the enunciations I missed the bus and I left home late expresses a concept of causality, that is, the coherence relation holding between the two spans of text. Obviously, the relation would hold and the concept of causality could still be inferred even if the construction was paratactic, that is, even if the cue phrase because was not there. However, the point is that natural language is capable of directly indicating an abstract concept like causality, entirely independently from the content of the related text spans.(Clara Mancini, Cinematic Hypertext. IOS Press, 2005) Also Known As: clue word

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Shakespeare as an Author Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Shakespeare as an Author - Essay Example [Thesis statement]: His tragedies may be interpreted as true depictions of human nature and emotions. One can learn through his plays how deep and complex human emotions are and what great impact they have on our decision-making and judgment abilities. He constructed his tragedies on seemingly small and base human emotions like jealousy, ambitiousness, and procrastination that render great errors of judgment on the part of the protagonists, thus triggering their downfall. Through his tragedies, he not only painted the social, political and intellectual mindset of 16th century England; but also enriched English Literature by breathing life into his characters with his originality and creativity. Shakespeare was a versatile playwright as he wrote tragedies, romantic comedies, and historical plays-- each type speaking of his imagination. Among his most famous tragedies are Othello, Macbeth, Hamlet, and King Lear. His tragedies revolve around the error of judgment that his tragic-heroes make: Othello, Macbeth, Hamlet and King Lear are all men of distinction. Shakespeare handles each character differently and illustrates how the tragic flaws of the tragic heroes change their lives forever. He handles his comedies equally well and deals with different themes about the lighter side of life in his plays like, love and personal relationships. However, â€Å"†¦these are not the only ideas implicit in the comedies; Shakespeare was also concerned with time, destiny, and patience, with old age and youth, with the individual and society, with ignorance and knowledge, confidence and melancholy, with contrasts between love and friendship, nature and art, justice and mercy.† (Brown, 160-161)

Friday, October 18, 2019

A Case Study of China's C Information Technologies Co Dissertation

A Case Study of China's C Information Technologies Co - Dissertation Example Alongside with the competition growing in various sectors, Information Technology (IT) sector has also been rapid in growth as a sector as well as competition within industry. Therefore, combination of competition in Information Technology (IT) sector as well competitive resources is multiplied and human resource with Information Technology (IT) skills is of multitude competition. Among 150 economies, China being an emerging economy has also increased its pace of digitalization hence accelerated its move of growth in IT industry (as show in the figure below). This growing pace has also increased importance of IT professionals’ altogether. However, this growth is not only concerned to meet statistics but immense consideration have been given to high value performing IT professionals and hence, performance management of IT professionals of IT industry has arisen as important area that calls for due consideration (Dutta and Bilbao-Osorio, 2012). (Dutta and Bilbao-Osorio, 2012) MATA (1995) has found that proficiency of Information Technology (IT) employees of an organization on technical as well as operational front has significant positive correlation with business performance. Higher their capacity to provide more customized products or projects greater it will benefit the firm. Their competency is also important as implementation phase of the Information Technology (IT) project also require more knowledge staff than other sectors. Information technology since its development and growing phase has been progressively facing issues and challenges pertaining to its application. IT issues vary in large in number from sector to domain, size and type of the company etc. These may range from the selection and implementation problems of the system to staff issues and also variation from sector as well (Shaukat, Zafarullah, and Wajid, 2009). Among large number of failures of IT project, many of them fails and cited reason of failur e is the delay and financial excess burden that it causes. In HR only, 30 percent to 70 percent of the projects fail in this respect (Sohal, Moss, and Ng, 2001). If explored reason behind these two factors is directly or indirectly human resource as it is human resource that work on implementation of designed technology and scope. Project Management in general and Information technology in specific has a dominant list of failing projects. Most of projects fail for their inability to be completed on time, within defined cost and scope. And main reason cited behind the failure of IT projects is its inability to meet the organizational need to technology update. Top ten corporate information technology failures given in images below, cites former or later the similar reason: (Top 10 Corporate Information Technology Failures) With the highlighted importance of Information Technology (IT) staff in an organization, author of the study has aimed to explore the avenue in China due to it acc elerated growth. With case study methodology, author has selected China's C Information Technologies Co., Ltd. for this study. The study is aimed to find the factors, methods and strategies that are effective tools of performance management in specific relation to the performance of Information Technology (IT) personnel. Researcher has identified certain research questions addressing them will lead to get insight of the topic. Following are the research questions for the case: 1- Given the characteristics of C Company’s Information Technology (IT) project staff, what are the theoretical bases for their incentives? 2- In C Company, what are

Team work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Team work - Essay Example An important element of human nature is that every individual has own opinions and independent methods of working. Every individual wants importance, power, authority and control over other. However, the teamwork emphasises on sharing of opinions, ideas, experiences, rewards and punishments. Cohesive efforts and collaborative knowledge brings success to any organisation and healthy team environment. Training, co-training, and workshops are conducted by employer to equip their employees with necessary skills required for teamwork. The necessary information, resources and materials should be exchanged with teammates. The interdependence and dynamic interactions among the team members plays an important role to adopt certain strategy to complete a particular project. Team success can be achieved through positive outcome of series of events and coordination of series of tasks. In order for teamwork culture to succeed, some aspects of teamwork like motivation, leadership, and open communi cation plays major role. All these factors interact with each other and influence the overall excellence of the organisation (Nadjiwon-Foster 2002). When organisation adopts flat structure by eliminating many middle-level management positions, leadership plays an innovative role at all levels. The functional and legitimate behaviour of leader influences his teammates (Barker 1996). The leader inspires other team members to behave and perform in a certain way. The formal and informal forms of his influence help in building flexible, yet successful organisation with shared vision. When anybody in the team has disruptive influence on the other teammates and consequently impairing the team’s objectives, leader must take immediate action in the form of warnings or punishments. The person should be made aware of aftereffects of his behaviour. The leader has to handle varied personalities having different temperaments, cultures,

The Simple Pendulum Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Simple Pendulum - Essay Example The oscillations were repeated nine times using the same thread, same ball, while varying the length of the thread. The data was collected and analyzed using a graph. The results showed that as the length of the thread was reduced so was the time taken for a complete oscillation. It is widely known that the acceleration gravity g = 9.8 m/s2. (PHY 123 Lab 1 - Error and Uncertainty and the Simple Pendulum, 2010). However, the acceleration gravity may vary and as such the experiment of a simple pendulum can be used to determine the acceleration gravity (L09. Measuring the Acceleration Due to Gravity with a Simple Pendulum). The movement of a fixed object from one point to the opposite side and back to the original point is called an oscillation (Gray, Costanzo, Conaway, Watterson, & Riley, 2005). The period of the oscillation is dependent on the length of the pendulum, the amplitude of the swing and the acceleration due to gravity (PHY 123 Lab 1 - Error and Uncertainty and the Simple Pendulum, 2010). There are a number of factors always ignored that could affect the period of the pendulum-the experimental errors (L09. Measuring the Acceleration Due to Gravity with a Simple Pendulum). The objective of this experiment was to estimate the value of gravitational fo rce (g), based on measurements obtained from a simple pendulum and comparing it to the value of widely accepted value of 9.81ms-2. Moreover, the project aimed at understanding the relationship between different parameters in an oscillating system. The relationship employed in this experiment was: The sphere (golf ball) was connected to a thread to create a pendulum. The length of the thread used for this experiment was 0.79m determined by the measurement tool. A stopwatch was used to set and record the time taken for the oscillations. The pendulum was fixed to a table in order to limit errors and to make the oscillations near perfect. The time was set before the oscillations then measured and recorded

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Millennium Development Goals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

The Millennium Development Goals - Essay Example And so, the UN was quick to distinguish the Goals from its predecessors (Millennium Campaign). For one, says the UN, the MDGs are a "compact", with the distribution of responsibilities across the North-South divide made clear. Poor countries - the so-called "South" - must be more accountable, utilize its national resources more efficiently, and practice good governance all around. In return, the wealthier countries of "the North" will grant debt relief, pave the way for fair trade, and provide funding for national MDG campaigns, together with international finance institutions like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, as well as their regional counterparts, such as the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the African Development Bank (AfDB). The UN also notes that the world enjoys an unparalleled level of prosperity - hundreds of billions are being spent on the campaign against terrorism and on agricultural subsidy. Meanwhile, it has been estimated that, every year, the MDGs will require an additional US$50 billion in aid. The UN believes that sufficient resources are available to put an end to poverty. The MDG signatories also designed the Goals to be time-bound. To monitor progress, each goal is broken down into 18 targets and 48 corresponding quantitative indicators. These serve as guideposts, especially at the national level, for preparation of country reports. Finally, the UN firmly believes that the MDGs are "achievable" and deems that "to set the bar any lower than this would be morally unacceptable". 2007 MDG Report Reveals "Uneven" Results In 2007, the UN released the much anticipated mid-point report. While it boasts of "visible and widespread gains", it also discloses that the overall results are "predictably, uneven" (UN, 2007, p.4). Progress for some of the goals is discussed below. One of the targets of Goal 1 is to "halve, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of people whose income is less than US$1 a day". From 1.25 billion in 1990, the number of people living in "extreme poverty" dropped to 980 million in 2004, benefiting mostly the poor people in Asia (UN, 2007, p.6). At this rate, the UN is hopeful that this target will be achieved on the whole, despite a less rosy picture in Western Asia and in so-called "transition countries" in Eastern Europe and in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). It also notes that any benefits from the improved economic situation are not shared equitably; in fact, the "share of national consumption" by the poorest 20 percent in developing countries even decreased. In other words, the poverty

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Reentry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reentry - Essay Example While serving the sentence they could be subjected to mental abuse or mental health treatment. This results in less and less people participating in vocational or pre-release educational programs. Without the skill sets required to survive, with the police record that cant be wiped or erased, no family accepting or supporting them and no where to go, great majority is re arrested in less than six months. It probably would be easy to pick people for the crimes they have committed as it is a necessary act for smooth and safe functioning of the society. However reintegrating them into the society is a task that seems an undaunted perpetual problem. As the number of ex-convicts continues to grow, their alienation poses as a threat to the society, which their imprisonment is expected to protect. The story of Jean Sanders narrated by Amanda Ripley in Living on the Outside touches all the issues faced by the ex-convict. Jean was picked by the law several times for petty drug dealing and car thieving. All he wanted was a normal life. His struggle is a representative case. During the 1990s America witnessed multiplying of prisons. It was forgotten that the more are locked inside, the more needed to be released. Rehabilitation was not the game of the day. Outside the prisons the Federal Government restricted welfare and housing facilities to the ex-criminals. In such case, when no education to support, no vocational training, a non-accepting society and family who is not ready to take in, these ex-criminals turn to crime again. This has also resulted in the law enforcing system turning into supervisory system. Sanders had to make valiant efforts to pick up a better job. He is unable to do manual labor due to injury caused during imprisonment. This is again representative as most ex-criminals have serious health and medical problems. The parolees are expected to do several reporting. As quoted in the article, â€Å"the system is designed

The Millennium Development Goals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

The Millennium Development Goals - Essay Example And so, the UN was quick to distinguish the Goals from its predecessors (Millennium Campaign). For one, says the UN, the MDGs are a "compact", with the distribution of responsibilities across the North-South divide made clear. Poor countries - the so-called "South" - must be more accountable, utilize its national resources more efficiently, and practice good governance all around. In return, the wealthier countries of "the North" will grant debt relief, pave the way for fair trade, and provide funding for national MDG campaigns, together with international finance institutions like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, as well as their regional counterparts, such as the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the African Development Bank (AfDB). The UN also notes that the world enjoys an unparalleled level of prosperity - hundreds of billions are being spent on the campaign against terrorism and on agricultural subsidy. Meanwhile, it has been estimated that, every year, the MDGs will require an additional US$50 billion in aid. The UN believes that sufficient resources are available to put an end to poverty. The MDG signatories also designed the Goals to be time-bound. To monitor progress, each goal is broken down into 18 targets and 48 corresponding quantitative indicators. These serve as guideposts, especially at the national level, for preparation of country reports. Finally, the UN firmly believes that the MDGs are "achievable" and deems that "to set the bar any lower than this would be morally unacceptable". 2007 MDG Report Reveals "Uneven" Results In 2007, the UN released the much anticipated mid-point report. While it boasts of "visible and widespread gains", it also discloses that the overall results are "predictably, uneven" (UN, 2007, p.4). Progress for some of the goals is discussed below. One of the targets of Goal 1 is to "halve, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of people whose income is less than US$1 a day". From 1.25 billion in 1990, the number of people living in "extreme poverty" dropped to 980 million in 2004, benefiting mostly the poor people in Asia (UN, 2007, p.6). At this rate, the UN is hopeful that this target will be achieved on the whole, despite a less rosy picture in Western Asia and in so-called "transition countries" in Eastern Europe and in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). It also notes that any benefits from the improved economic situation are not shared equitably; in fact, the "share of national consumption" by the poorest 20 percent in developing countries even decreased. In other words, the poverty

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Inventory Introduction Essay Example for Free

Inventory Introduction Essay An Undergraduate Thesis Manuscript submitted to the faculty of the Department of Communication Studies of Cavite City Campus, Cavite State University, in partial fulfillment of the requirement for ITEC200A- Undergraduate Thesis Part 1 for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology. Contribution no.___ Prepared under supervision of Mr. Norman Duarte. INTRODUCTION Nowadays, there are major changes that happened in our everyday lives. Since most of the changes are caused by the advances in technology, it is necessary for us, people to be familiar with the technological developments encountered today. Changes are inevitable and one should be able to go with the flow to stay in the business. Technology made a large contribution in the improvement of our life. Many businesses are engaging with the use of advance technology in order to become competitive. Through the use of modern technology, the work of an individual becomes easier and more accurate. The business world is fast changing that is imperative to stay ahead of the competition and empower your people with the tools and advancement that is available. The proponents noticed that the company named Homemart Builder’s Center Inc. is using the manual way for inventory of their items. Inventory system is one of the hardest and most important task in business or school transactions. Everything should be clearly and correctly stated based on the record of the company. This company which is located at Talaba IV Bacoor, Cavite started since the year of 1995. It takes time for them to search some files for the sales report because they have to do it manually. They find it hard also to retrieve those files stored in their file cabinets which they might lost because of certain chaos. See more: how to write an introduction paragraph for an essay Statement of the Problem This study seeks to create a system that would be used by businesses with regards to faster inventory transactions. This study tried to answer the following questions: 1. How to make an inventory transaction faster and more sufficient? 2. How they monitor the business performance? 3. How to make inventory of items much easier through the use of computerized inventory system? The system would help the staff of the company in terms of inventorying for much faster and efficient. It would be both beneficial to the owner especially for the buyer. To the owner, there will be a quick flow of business transactions. Significance of the Study The owners could easily check the increasing and decreasing items. The performance of the Company can also monitor through its sales report anytime needed. In addition, the program would help the owner with regards to their inventory since the monitoring stocks would be easier. Objectives of the Study Generally, the study aims to develop a system for Homemart Builder’s Center Inc. Specifically it aims to: 1. Create a Computerized Inventory System for the owner and employees of the company; 2. Make it easy monitoring the transaction and information of items. 3. Aimed to develop a Computerized Inventory System to increase a speed of service in terms of inventorying the items. 4. Monitor the performance of the company and also help the owner of the company on inventory of items in an easy and fastest way. Scope and Limitation The system was created only for the business of Homemart Builder’s Center Inc. The items will be inputted to the program through Item number. Price and quantity should also be inputted manually .It can update, delete and search information about the items. Have security featured specially to the owner’s file. The program will not include for other company’s use. The software can’t work without computer and electricity. It may not be applicable on items that do not have an Item Number or code. On the other hand, the items that do not have code will be manually inputted. Time and Place of the Study The study was conducted at Cavite State University Cavite City Campus from November 2012 to March 2013. Definition of Terms Inventory – It is the amount or value of a firm’s current assets that consist of raw materials, work in progress and finished goods; stock. System – a group or combination of interrelated, interdependent, or interacting elements forming collective entity; a methodical or coordinated assemblage of parts, facts, concept etc. Human Resource – the workface of an organization. Database – a systematized collection of data that can be accessed immediately and manipulated by a data- processing system for a specific purpose. Hardware It is a business that has metal tools, implements etc.esp cutlery or cooking utensils.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Audit Report on Database Security and Performance Management

Audit Report on Database Security and Performance Management EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report covers a review of the Security and performance issues, with the respect to the size and capacity of the data management in Organic Cosmetics Ltd. We are running a company with a total number of over 100 employees and large customer base national and international. In summary, we found some deficiencies in security integrity and performance in terms of query optimisation and as well as areas where improvements are warranted as listed below; 1. No proper procedure of reducing Sensitive Data Exposure which will in turn be devastating to the company, if not sorted out as soon as possible. 2. Deficiency in the way of detecting Threats from Inside and Outside 3.Deficiency in the way of developing Secure Applications 4. In terms of performance optimisation, there is no proper indexes set up to optimise and speed up retrievals of queries that are taking too long to execute. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES The main aim for the report is to carry out the proper procedures and techniques that is best to carry out the better security performance and query optimisation for administrative management performance. And after a proper consultation with experts and detailed research we have all that is takes to implement and effect changes to these deficiencies. Some of our objectives are; Reducing Sensitive Data Exposure in Applications by introducing an Oracle Advanced Security data redaction which provides selective, on-the-fly redaction of sensitive data in query results prior to display by applications. Limiting Sensitive Data Exposure When Sharing Data, we have been able to put in place Oracle Data Masking and Subsetting. Deficiency in the way of developing Secure Applications, we have been able to source out advanced and more sophisticated security measures introduced by oracle Database 12c Real Application Security, which is Oracles next generation database authorization framework and the industrys most advanced solution for developing secure applications called Basic Fine Grained Access Control (Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD)) and the Real Application Security (RAS). Performance optimisation, there is no proper indexes set up to optimise and speed up retrievals of queries that are taking too long to execute. There should advance form of scalability which is the ability of a system to process more workload, with a proportional increase in system resource usage, there we have to choose an efficient execution strategy for processing a query. APPROACH The best possible way of reducing sensitive date exposure is by the Redaction process. Redaction is the process of scrubbing out data. Imagine a paper document with certain fields scratched out with a black marker. Oracle Advanced Security data redaction works similarly but on application data stored in the database. Because it is enforced inside the database, it is possible to consistently redact database columns across different application modules accessing the same data. Data redaction minimizes changes to applications because it does not alter actual data in internal database buffers, caches, or storage, and it preserves the original data type and formatting when transformed data is returned to the application. Data redaction has no impact on database operational activities such as backup and restore, upgrade and patch, and high availability clusters. Because we handle a lot of big transactions OCL, it will be better to use data redaction to make sure our data are secured. The movement of production data dramatically increases the risk to data and increases the overall cost of security and compliance. Masking of data before it is moved from production eliminates the risk of data breaches in non-production environments by irreversibly replacing the original sensitive data with fictitious data so that data can be safely shared. Using Oracle Data Masking and Subsetting enables entire copies or subsets of application data to be extracted from the database, obfuscated, and shared with partners inside and outside of the business. Most importantly, during the obfuscation process, application integrity is preserved by maintaining data relationships across application tables. Oracle Data Masking and Subsetting improves security by reducing the scope of data exposed to partner organizations. Compliance costs are lowered by narrowing the compliance boundary for test and development groups. Below is an example of data being masked. Instead of four rows in Name and salary column the masking has reduced it the rows and interchanged the data store in each column rows. The solution to deficiency in the way of developing Secure Applications is by adopting the following process, which we have been able to source out. It is an advanced and more sophisticated security measures introduced by oracle Database 12c Real Application Security, which is Oracles next generation database authorization framework and the industrys most advanced solution for developing secure applications called Basic Fine Grained Access Control (Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD)) and the Real Application Security(RAS). Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD), introduced in Oracle8i, is widely used today to enforce fine grained access control within applications. It allows application developers to associate a stored PL/SQL program unit with an application table, view, or synonym. The program unit fires when the application object is accessed via SQL. The program unit computes a predicate or where clause that is appended to the original SQL statement. In many cases, the program module will query specific meta data tables containing information on user roles and privileges as nearly every application today has its own unique set of security tables. Another common approach used with VPD is to initialize an Oracle application context when a new application user is initialized within the application. Real Application Security(RAS). Unlike the basic Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD), Oracle Database 12c Real Application Security (RAS) provides a robust declarative model that allows developers to define the data security policy based on application users, roles and privileges within the Oracle Database. The new Oracle Database 12c RAS technology is more secure, scalable, and cost effective than the traditional Oracle VPD technology. Real application security provides a declarative interface that allows developers to define the data security policy, application roles, and application users without requiring application developers to create and maintain PL/SQLstored procedures. The data security policies are defined inside the database kernel using the Oracle Database 12c RAS API. The permissions associated with business objects are stored in Access Control Lists (ACLs). ACLs are a key component of RAS and store the privileges assigned to principals and control the type of operations: select, insert, update and delete that can be performed on the objects. These are some of the usefulness of Real Application Security provides the next generation authorization architecture for applications that will be needed in Organic Cosmetics Limited (OCL): 1.Uniform Data Security: The RAS Security model allows uniform specification and enforcement of access control policies on business objects irrespective of the access path. It overcomes the limitation of custom built approaches that only work when an object is accessed via the specific code path that has access control logic embedded into it. 2. Secure End User Identity Propagation: Application sessions allow the end user identity and associated attributes to be conveyed securely to the database allowing the database to use the information for end-user access control and auditing. 3. Declarative and Fine Grained Access Control: RAS policy components encapsulate the access control requirements of the application in the form of declarative policy on data for application users, application roles, and application privileges. With column security, RAS model extends authorization to the column level to protect sensitive data such as SSN. With support for master-detail, parameterized, delegation, and exception based declarative policies, RAS meets the real-life deployment requirements of applications. Then for the issuesof performance optimisation and quick table accessibility, there is no proper indexes set up to optimise and speed up retrievals of queries that are taking too long to execute. Finally, there is an indexing system that can be set up to help sort the out accessibility of records quickly. Basically there are 3 kinds of index, but we have chosen the Function index. In a function index you index an expression rather than a column. Eg supposing you wanted to regularly retrieve orders that havent been shipped, so no value in shipdate. A basic B-tree index couldnt be set up because it wouldnt include nulls in the index, so function based could be used: eg: CREATE INDEX non_shipped_index ON ord   (NVL(shipdate, null)); CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Based on our findings and recommendations I believe if we could make appreciate changes as soon as possible we can be able to sort the deficiency issues in our database management system and also to improve our services. 1.4 REFERENCES WHITEPAPER, O. (2015) Oracle Database 12c Security and Compliance. Available at: (Accessed: 08 February 2017).

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Is Anything Certain? Essay -- Philosophy, Unger, Hitherto

Peter Unger maintains that all knowledge requires certainty. Moreover, since he insists that nothing can be known for certain, Unger concludes that â€Å"nobody ever knows anything to be so† (Unger, 42). This is Unger’s argument: 1. â€Å"If someone knows something to be so, then it is all right for the person to be absolutely certain that it is so† (42). 2. â€Å"It is never all right for anyone to be absolutely certain that anything is so† (43). 3. Therefore, â€Å"[n]obody ever knows that anything is so† (43). Succinctly, nobody can know anything. As â€Å"anything† makes explicit, Unger suggests that we cannot have knowledge of our own existence, external objects, past or present experiences or even that 1+1=2. He also insists that knowing anything with certainty is inherently dogmatic. Being certain involves a negative attitude; it implies that nothing (new information, evidence or experience) â€Å"will be seriously considered to be at all relevant to any possible change in one’s thinking in the matter† (44). Unger defines this as the attitude of certainty. This is why it is wrong â€Å"for anyone to be absolutely certain†. I agree with Unger and concede that (2) is correct. However, Unger’s rejection to the attitude of certainty leads to the rejection of all knowledge. This is where Unger is an error. I intend to argue that premise (1) is dubious and that knowledge requires justified true belief but never certainty itself. Before continuing, I must clarify Unger’s notion of certainty. Hitherto, I have used Unger’s notion of certainty (denoted in italics) without explanation. Certain is an absolute adjective analogous to the concept of flat. An absolute adjective is or is not. A board, for example, is flat iff it lacks any changes in gradi... ...nger’s first premise). 2. Knowledge is justified belief with confidence. 3. Being confident, but not certain, allows for changes in opinion/belief in the face of new information and experiences (avoiding Unger’s attitude of certainty). 4. Knowledge with confidence, but being susceptible to new information is not dogmatic. 5. People can know things with confidence without being dogmatic. 6. Therefore, people can justifiably and confidently know that some things are so. The above argument allows for things to be known but in a non-dogmatic manner. Although, knowledge with confidence (but not certainty) can be considered a weak sense of knowledge, it avoids the skeptical conclusion while also avoiding Unger’s attitude of certainty. With the ability to amend and modify justified beliefs (knowledge), certainty is inherently absent from this notion of knowledge.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Comparing Weight Loss Diets and Energy Supply Essay -- Health Nutritio

Comparing Weight Loss Diets and Energy Supply Ironically, for a country where the majority of its population is considered obese by its own standards, dieting is more popular than ever in the United States. With the heightened popularity of dieting in American culture, it’s no surprise that a plethora of commercially endorsed weight-loss diets exist, however the effectiveness of these diets vary. Despite the large amount of existing weight-loss diets, a substantial amount of popular diets emphasize either limiting the consumption of saturated fat or carbohydrates1 in order to lose weight. The effectiveness of a diet can be judged in its ability to encourage weight-loss and keep the weight off—longevity is a key issue. With respect to longevity, energy transformation from food to biological energy is significantly important in how painless a diet can be. Let’s face it, it’s not at all desirable (let alone comfortable) to proceed through the day with low blood sugar, having hunger. We human s are lazy creatures and have a low threshold for discomfort; the easier it is to conform to the eating restrictions of a diet, the more likely that the diet will remain in use (given that the diet is effective). Low-fat weight-loss diets are superior to low-carbohydrate diets because they provide a sustained energy supply in a manor that’s flexible enough to adapt to almost any lifestyle. In comparing weight-loss diets, the matter is fairly complex so it’s important to take consideration of the components associated with a weight-loss diet. Glycemic responses are a critical part in assessing a weight-loss diet’s efficiency and these response trends differ substantially between low-fat diets and low-... ...cally flawed because these diets deprive the body of the principal energy source that is used for even the most basic operations. Sure, low-carbohydrate diets are effective in weight-loss but so is anorexia. Just because low-carbohydrate diets are effective in the short-run, doesn’t mean the diet is healthy. In terms of energy sustainability, low-fat and low-carbohydrate diets are practically opposites in nature. This difference has substantial significance in that it indirectly implies that consuming low-carbohydrate foods is a regimented diet and eating foods low in fat is a healthy lifestyle. 1 Carbohydrates are a food group heavily present in grains; they are the primary storage form of glucose. 2 Fat also stores biological energy but it’s primarily for reserve purposes and is only utilized during times of strenuous activity or in dire circumstances.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Real Friendship

Real Friendship Friendship is really hard to find in our lives today, especially in this world because according to us nowadays it is known as the quality or condition of being friends or just simply having a friendly relationship. A friend isn’t someone you randomly meet and know them just for who they are. My belief of a real friend comes as fate. If it is meant to be then it will happen because a true friendship lasts forever through good times and bad times. A friend is someone who is honest and dependable when is needed in certain consequences. That is why I believe in Cicero’s theories of friendship because a friend is someone who: . Thinks alike. 2. Is honest. 3. And understanding. This essay of real friendship focuses on these three main ideas. Thinks alike. I have a friend who is known to be my best friend since kindergarten. She is humorously been my friend for fourteen years and I hope it continues through out life. But the thing about her is that she is very much like me although our lives are very different according to our families and I am very thankful that she has been able to control her life on her own. Cicero says â€Å"A friend is, as it were, a second self† (Cicero, 1971). I consider Cicero’s theory to be right because according to other friends that I have had in the past have never been even close to what I have with my best friend. The ethical idea or the golden rule, â€Å"Do to others as you would have them do to you† (Fieser & Pojman, 2009). Applies to my friend and me because we always treat each other with respect and we don’t talk behind each other’s backs. We treat each other like if we were sisters. Is honest. Being honest is the quality of truthfulness. Honesty is something that should be required in a friendship because you are able to express yourself about anything. I am certain that most people can not accomplish any problems without being honest because if you are not, it just brings more problems into your life. â€Å"Friendship improves happiness and abates misery, by the doubling of our joy and the dividing of our grief† (Cicero, 1971). This quote is very important and meaningful to me considering that my best friend is there for me when I need advice and she is honest with me about it. I would not like for her to be dishonest, due to the choices I can make with her advice, and then she would not be a real friend because I will be making bad choices. In the Core Morality, rule number three is do not lie or deceive. â€Å"Language itself depends on a general and implicit commitment to the principle of truth telling. Accuracy of expression is a primitive form of truthfulness† (Fieser & Pojman, 2009). Honesty exists in my friendship and I really appreciate it now that I know what real true friendship is especially because we are moral to each other. Understanding. To know something or someone you must understand it or them. Just like how I know my best friend, she knows me and therefore we understand each other. I treasure our friendship for the reason that it has last so long and how we are uncomplicated. We rarely have any problems with each other, but when we do have problems we fix them as soon as possible. We do not like to let problems pass by because we do not like to fight or make bigger consequences. We come to an agreement until we understand each other. I really like how we can always settle our disputes unlike other relationships that I had who were so called my friends. â€Å"Friendship is the only thing in this world, the usefulness of which all mankind are in agreement† (Cicero, 1971). Any action taken into our friendship has always been our words and we always depend on the right act. â€Å"A right act that is permissible for you to do. It may be either obligatory or optional† (Fieser & Pojman, 2009). I think we have constantly picked obligatory because it is moral rather than optional. As a result I am happy we are still friends, through thick and thin. In completion, Cicero’s philosophy on friendship is very convincing and true because I never really paid attention to it. It makes you realize a lot about who your real friends are and who are not.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Prefect or Young Student Leader Letter Essay

Dear sir / madam , I am writing this letter as I am keen to become a first ambassador and I wish to help the school as a community and support the school in becoming a better place for all of us. I believe that becoming a young student leader will help me give back something to the school after what the school and its staff has done for me over the past 1 years. I believe that I have the qualities required to be a young student leader because I take things seriously and I am responsible and sensible when it comes to dealing with problems. I have had experience talking to people as I have worked with children in the past in my Primary School and have had experience talking to adults in a mature way . I am a reliable student and try to act as a good role model to the younger years by being well behaved and learning to the best of my ability. I interact with lots of people in different years each day, so I feel that if I became a first ambassador I would look approachable to pupils from younger years, and I always try to have a friendly smile on my face. Alongside being a young student leader comes great responsibility which I am fully prepared to take on if you give me the chance. I care about this school and the people in it and I wish to support it by making it beneficial and influential for all of us. As a young student leader I would like to help pupils feel safe in school and to enjoy their time without any worries so that they can focus on the more important things such as learning to help secure their future. I would like them to feel as if Kingsford is a friendly place with lots of opportunities and this will help me be a part of the prefect team in year 11. I feel that I have experienced many things at Kingsford so I will be good at giving advice to younger students. Thank you

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Rizal: Bayaning Third World

At the part where in Rizal almost burn the manuscript of Noli Me Tangere made me think that it was a symbol of him letting go of what he strongly believed in connection to him not involved with â€Å"Himagsikan†. He became hopeless and I think he became afraid of death, probably, However, since he continued the publishing of Noli Me Tangere, I believe, he gained back his strong convictions regarding our democracy and showed his nationalism and patriotism. I thought what I know about Rizal was enough to understand his life, works and writing but having finished this independent film widened my understanding not only for Rizal’s positive sides but also for his flaws. Jose Rizal being a national hero considering his great influence not only in the Philippines but to other countries he had gone also with his works, the great impact he left with our history as a country and culture as its citizen, his weight to some indigenous religions also has his own flaws and faults because he is also a human being capable of doing those things. Less people know Rizal’s â€Å"dark side†Ã¢â‚¬â€ controversies, I myself was one of those before I watched this film. We were focused on his good side, his achievements and contributions for the betterment of our country but having the chance to know his flaws which until now haunts him, we must understand him and not condone the fact that he was still a human being. Rizal really don’t want to be a hero, he just wanted to prove his great passion and love for our country. Indeed, Rizal chose to die because it was one way to give weight to his beliefs and philosophy. We all have our own Rizal. We have different perceptions and understanding regarding his life, works and writings. As for me, though he is not as â€Å"perfect† as a national hero should be, I still salute and look up to him for his immense contributions and grand legacy which is applicable until now. Despite his imperfection, it didn’t lessen his heroism. In fact, his controversies made his life more interesting and it only made him more famous not only during his time but now and in the future generations. I didn’t get surprised that many critiqued his life but for me he is still the rd world hero of all time. How can we become Rizal in our own little ways? By following simple rules and regulations and by paying the right tax. There are a lot more and it is up to you to think of whatever way it suites you. Let us be a modern-day Rizal to continue his legacy for the future generation. Bayaning Third World is a film of substance. It is very appealing and is highly recommended for other stu dents studying Rizal. It is effective for my learning. Even if our 1-peso coin is in constant devaluing, Rizal still remain number one in our hearts.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

IFRS and GAAP Convergence Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

IFRS and GAAP Convergence - Term Paper Example International Accounting Standard Board issues the IFRS. Over 100 countries across the world have completely adopted IFRS. European Union, New Zealand, Australia and Russia are the prominent examples (Garg, 2010). GAAP GAAP exhibits fair, complete and clear financial operation of the enterprise. It comprises of authoritative pronouncement issued by several accounting bodies. GAAP is a set of rules, concepts, conversions and procedures to denote accepted accounting practices at a specified time. The corporate accounts and the financial statements are presented in accordance with the GAAP. It considers the conceptual framework of financial statements, accounting principles, Income Tax Act and most importantly requirements of the regulatory bodies of a country (Sangani, 2010). Convergence In this case, the term ‘convergence’ implies the harmonization of the accounting standards. ... Companies across the world have already acknowledged the importance of the adoption of global accounting standards or the convergence. Most of the countries used local GAAP and recently adopted IFRS. Meanwhile there are few countries that are still reported to be under both the accounting standards. It is really time consuming and costly way to report financial records as conversion take much time and moreover it creates uncertainties among the users of the financial reports. Therefore, it can be suggested that countries should go for convergence. The US is in the planning phase of the convergence of the IFRS and the US GAAP, as according to the work plan of the SEC it will take another four to five years for complete convergence. Impact of the Convergence Impact of the convergence differs from companies to companies. It mainly depends upon the nature of the business. It is evident that the number of users of financial reporting is quite higher for the public companies in comparison to the private companies. Hence, impact of convergence on public companies will be higher as well. Several elements exist in the financial statements of the public companies and therefore, a few expertises are required to interpret the data. At the same time, level of difficulty is also high due to the responsibilities of the finance manager. At the planning phase of the convergence or during the convergence, companies need to report under both the accounting standards and it increases the complications for both the finance managers and the users of the financial statements. This issue is mostly faced by the multinational companies. They need to prepare financial

Monday, October 7, 2019

If stem cell research must rely only on derivation of tissue from a Term Paper - 1

If stem cell research must rely only on derivation of tissue from a vibrant fetus, is harvesting those cells in any way immoral, illegal or unethical - Term Paper Example It is impossible to reconcile these positions due to distinctly opposing views inherent in medical science versus varying views and interpretations of ethics and morality. A typical day-5 human embryo consists of 200-250 cells, most of which comprise the trophoblast, which is the outermost layer of the blastocyst. HESCs are harvested from the inner cell mass of the blastocyst, which consists of 30-34 cells. The derivation of HESC cultures requires the removal of the trophoblast. This process of disaggregating the blastocysts cells eliminates its potential for further development. Opponents of HESC research argue that the research is morally impermissible because it involves the unjust killing of innocent human beings. (Siegel par. 2). Moral and ethical debates have raged since the idea of stem cell research first crossed scientists’ minds. One simplistic argument against opposition to the research centers upon abortion fetuses from which many of the cells are gathered. The moral rational is that in the event of an abortion at least some good for the whole of humanity can come of it. Reading into this position, one can make a case that the apologist him or herself is admitting abortion is unethical, highlighting the complexity of the argument. Besides, they might say, research cannot be done on adult stem cells because they don’t share the same aspects as those from an embryo. The good of the research outweighs the bad of the methods. The end justifies the means, since embryonic stem cell research can help find cures for, or prevent diseases including Cancer and Parkinson’s but also Alzheimer’s, Heart disease, Stroke, Diabetes, birth defects, spinal cord injuries, organ damage and trans plant rejection. Medical researchers insist embryonic stem cells are needed because they alone are able to reproduce any other

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Investor Protection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Investor Protection - Essay Example When there is strong investor protection, there is low insider expropriation, which in turn leads to lower profits appropriation, lower tunnelling of assets as well as reduced dilutions (DeFond & Hung, 2007); in return, minority and external shareholders enjoy lower agency costs, thereby reinforcing investor’s confidence. Better investor confidence eventually culminates in many benefits including higher profitability, lower costs of debt and equity, higher access to capital, higher valuation and liquidity. Moreover, better investor confidence leads to increased savings, productive investment of savings, and enhanced capital accumulation. Investor protection can be achieved through the legal approach to corporate governance, which provides laws and regulations for the protection of external investors (Spindler, 2011). Investors often feel safer to invest in countries where their rights are protected under the law, because they understand their vulnerability to expropriation. Unlike employees or suppliers who are less likely to be mistreated by firms due to their continued usefulness to the firms’ operations and sustainability, external investors must rely on the law for protection in an unfamiliar environment. Legal protection of external investors undermines expropriation technologies and mechanisms, while in an environment with no legal protection the so-called insiders (managers and controlling stockholders) can easily steal a company’s profits (La Porta et al., 2000). In that respect, investor protection renders the diversion techniques ineffective so that the insiders expropriate less, thereby crea ting a positive reputation for their organizations and obtaining external financing on better terms than when expropriation is high. The legal framework provides laws and regulations that mandate certain rights or powers belonging to

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Relational Approach to Counselling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Relational Approach to Counselling - Essay Example But for whatever the need for counselling is, it is extremely important that the counsellor at the hem of the process follows strict principles and guidelines in order to achieved success. The kind of principles to follow in a particular counselling session is largely dependant on the counselling approach used by the counsellor. Among the several counselling approaches, the relational approach is one approach that comes with a lot of principles and conditions that cannot be overlooked in the course of any counselling session. The use of relational approach to counselling has very influential impact on the counselee and even the counsellor. The relational approach also has its own weaknesses and therefore needs a lot care and professionalism in its use. Overview of Relational Approach to Counselling Relational approach to counselling is seen in the perspective of Mearns and Cooper (2005) as a person centred or individual centred technique towards counselling whereby the counselee is g iven a lot of attention and prominence by the counsellor. In relational approach to counselling, the counselee is seen as an impactful stakeholder in the counselling session. ... In this direction, Page (1999) explains that relational centred counselling has been tried and proven in research has been found to be a valid therapy that draws upon current developments in not just psychoanalytic but also in psychodynamic and humanistic theories. This confirms the notion by Erskine Moursand & Trautman (1999) that relational approach to counselling goes beyond empathy to include actual participation by the client rather than an assumption of what he or she is going through. With relational approach to counselling, the client is brought closer through contact; such that by the end of the entire experience, there becomes a relationship developed between the counsellor and the counselee. Different perspectives of Relational Approach to counselling – the UK and USA Origins In both the United States and United Kingdom, relational approach to counselling is held in highest esteem. In both parts of the perspectives, relational or person-centred counselling started i n the 1950s and 1960s. The little difference is that in the United States of America, relational approach was started as an integral factor of human potential movement that was firmly rooted on the principles of psychotherapy (Mann, 1997). Ever since, relational approach to counselling in the United States of America has followed that perspective whereby not just counsellors back and advocate concentration on the counselee but also involved other psychology experts. In the United States of America, counsellors believe that each individual; including the counselee or the client has potential to achieve success and any changes they want in their life. Because of this perspective, the client is given much room to operate during