Tuesday, August 27, 2019

HR case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

HR case study - Essay Example It is generally accepted that this high rate is due to the above-average aptitudes of the personnel in the department has its own in-house set of training courses and purchases â€Å"space† in various seminar classes. These programs are geared to making the employee significantly more valuable to the department. The managers in the programming department have been very proud of the development of their personnel and feel that education from all sources has improved departmental performances. Recently, however, the system seemed to backfire in the programming department. Ezra Brooks, a very bright and aspiring young programmer for whom management had high hopes, quit. Ezra had found that the extensive intraorganization training, the invaluable work experience, and a newly awarded college diploma represented a fairly lucrative portfolio of credentials, which he took to a large national accounting firm. Ezra had expressed a desire to stay, but he was told that there were no anticipated openings at managerial levels in the computer area. Ezra’s manager had a dilemma. Loss of Ezra meant a ten-month setback for the project Ezra was working on. He also felt that the extensive training Ezra had received at the company’s expense was little utilized compared to what Ezra would have contributed had he remained with the company. However, the manager’s greatest concern was that Ezra was the first in a group of several employees who would graduate from college under company sponsorship in the near future. Ezra had shown to the remaining group that if the firm would not recognize his achievement and aspirations, other employment could be easily found. The case clearly reveals that Ezra Brooks is a valuable employee for the organization. He has been given training to improve his computer programming skills such that he could easily secure his aspired job in some other big firm. Since he seems to be under no obligation to say back and complete the ongoing

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